Click on Available & Planned tab to see our AMAZING litters! We offer hand delivery!
Click on Available & Planned tab to see our AMAZING litters! We offer hand delivery!
What is a Pomsky?
A Pomsky is a designer dog breed that is made from a female Husky (the Dam) and a male Pomeranian (the Stud).
Are breeds besides Husky/Pom used to make Pomskies?
Seeing as how the name "Pomsky" is derived from Pomeranian and Husky, logic would tell you that only Pomeranians and Huskies are used to create Pomskies. However, that is not always the case with all breeders. There are two ways to define "Pomsky" at this point in the breed. The first is as a description of the two breeds that are crossed together, as shown above. By this definition, every Pomsky would be a cross between a Pomeranian and a Husky. Period. If it's not that, it's not a Pomsky, right?
This is where the second definition comes in. Some breeders are taking it further to the point that "Pomsky" equals a specific type of dog. The general consensus is that a Pomsky should be a toy/small Northern Spitz type dog, with a plush coat and husky markings. Under this definition, some breeders bring in other breeds of dogs (such as American Eskimo or German Spitz, etc.) in a planned out effort to stabilize the "type" they are striving to produce.
While we Embark DNA test all of our breeding dogs and most show as having only Siberian Husky and Pomeranian in their bloodlines, we do not remove a dog from our program if they test as having a SMALL percentage of other breeds and also embody what we are striving to produce. We have chosen to make our breeding choices based more heavily on how each individual dog can bring us closer to consistently producing the true, viral Pomsky type, and less about having ONLY those breeds show up on the Breed Identification DNA test. After all, remember that in order to eventually be recognized by the AKC as a true breed, there must be more than Siberian Husky and Pomeranian in the bloodlines. We are against the practice of breeders using other breeds without openly and directly disclosing this to their buyers!
What does it mean for a Pomsky to be DNA'd?
To DNA a dog, a person uses a cotton swab to collect a saliva sample from the dog's mouth. The sample is then sent to a laboratory wherein they DNA type the dog. A person can learn a lot, based on what test they pay for, in matters of health, color genetics, DNA profiling, and other traits such as coat length. These tests, offered by EMBARK, Wisdom Panel, and many other companies, take the DNA of any dog and compare it to the company's database of DNA taken from a sample of dogs from each of the AKC recognized breeds. Based on this comparison, they will send a report indicating the most likely breed heritage of the dog in question.
How much do your puppies cost?
Our Pomskies range from $1500-$3000 depending on eye color, markings, size, conformation, coat quality, and generation. We cannot guarantee that we will have the whole range of prices, it really depends upon each litter and the combination of the above traits. Our prices are competitive with other reputable Pomsky breeders, and even tend to be lower. It is important to us for our puppies to have stable, pet friendly homes where they are loved and well taken care of, this is our biggest goal when it comes to finding the "perfect" homes for our puppies.
What does the cost of a puppy include?
All of our puppies will go home vet checked, first vaccinations, dewormed, microchipped, and a two year written health guarantee. We also provide a new puppy packet with the shot records, copy of all paperwork, as well as a few goodies for your new furbaby.
How does the Waiting List Work?
We are always accepting deposits for our young or future litters. The deposit is $250, which applies towards the total adoption fee for each Pomsky pup we produce. If you would like more info or to make a deposit, email me at:
Your deposit confirms that you intend to follow through with your purchase. It is non-refundable if you change your mind. It is also forfeited if no pup is chosen in the 3 litter time frame. I reserve the right to keep any puppy from any litter for my breeding program. The deposit list applies to all puppies available after my pick(s), if any, have been made.
If I cannot pick up my puppy in person, what are my options?
If you are unable to pick your puppy up in person, we will hand deliver to the continental 48 states for $650 dollars. We will make all arrangements for the USA deliveries, you pick the airport closest to your location, show up at the airport, show your identification and receive your puppy. We will also drive to meet up to 4 hours away from our location for $400 dollars. If the puppies will be 8 weeks old during the week of a holiday, we reserve the right to make travel arrangements based upon scheduling and flight pricing/availability. In the event that it is a holiday, due to higher travel prices, etc. there may be an additional surcharge to cover the cost of the delivery.
What if we want to breed our Pomsky?
All of our puppies are sold on a strict spay/neuter agreement unless you are approved to buy a puppy on a breeder contract. We reserve the right to refuse a breeder contract at any time. You will pay an additional $1000.00 for breeding rights. We will be available for questions and to mentor any individual who we approve for a breeder contract. Anyone considering buying a puppy as a pet and then secretly breeds it should know that we require proof of spay and neuter prior to 8 months of age. If this is not provided, we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law and you could lose your Pomsky and not get any money back because you will be in violation of contract. If surgery must be delayed because the puppy is sick, we require proof of this from your vet as well as their contact information to verify. We do not allow people to keep their pets intact because they feel that fixing them is cruel so please do not ask. Any vet will tell you that early spay and neuter is not only healthy for the dog but will make training and getting along with other animals much easier.
What does F1, F1b, F2, etc Mean?
This stands for what Generation a Pomsky is:
F1 – a dog with purebred parents. (50% Siberian Husky and 50% Pomeranian)
F1b – B stands for backcross- a purebred Pomeranian or Siberian Husky crossed with a regular F1 Pomsky (so 25% Pomeranian and 75% Siberian Husky or vice versa)
F2 – A dog with two F1 Pomsky parents. While this dog is, on paper, 50% Pomeranian and 50% Siberian Husky, this generation is generally much more varied than F1's or F1b's, but a necessary part of breeding towards dogs who will breed true.
F2b - Like in the F1b, the B stands for backcross - in this case a purebred Pomeranian or Siberian Husky, OR an F1b, is crossed with an F2 Pomsky.
F#X – An ‘outcross’ dog. (The # will tell you what generation from the initial crossbreeding this particular individual is). These are dogs with either one Pomsky parent and one non-Siberian or Pomeranian parent (ie, an American Eskimo or German Spitz) OR a breeding of Siberian Husky to American Eskimo or German Spitz.
Multigen – a dog with multiple generations of Pomeranian/Siberian Husky crosses behind them. A multi-gen dog is a necessity if a breeder wants to pursue a dog that ‘breeds true’- ie, produces offspring that look mostly like itself, with regards to size, markings and other characteristics.
Will my Pomsky have blue eyes?
Eye color is a tricky thing, since a puppy's eye color often continues to change after you have taken your puppy home! This is why breeders can't guarantee eye color. However, experienced breeders can give you a strong educated guess. All puppies are born with blue eyes. Then around 3-4 weeks of age, the eye color starts to change, if it's going to. Thus, around 4-5 weeks old, a breeder can tell you if it looks like the eye color is beginning to change or not. The change at this age, is not always obvious, so it takes a trained eye to guess accurately. If the eye is going to be Brown, the change is pretty easy to tell. However, if the eye is going to be Amber colored, the eye will still look somewhat blue when you take your puppy home. However, it will be more of a greenish blue at that point (this is why I often hear breeders claiming that their pup seems to have green eyes). The eye color will continue to change, however, and end up a yellowish Amber color (the same color you would see on a Chocolate lab). If the dog's eyes are going to stay blue then they will be a bright, obvious blue all the way until they go to their new home. NOTE: I have seen it become a common practice among Pomsky breeders to take pictures of their young puppies using a flash. If the picture shows the puppy with red-eye, they claim the pup will have blue eyes. Firstly, while it is true that an adult dog with blue eyes will get red eye with a flash, it is also true that a puppy with immature irises will also get red eye. As they grow and their eyes change into their mature, non-blue color, they will no longer get red eye with a flash. Secondly, even dogs with blue eyes will NOT get red eye if the picture isn't taken with the right angle and timing.
How big will my Pomsky get?
Seeing as how the Pomsky is a cross between a 45-50 lbs Siberian Husky and a 4-8 lbs Pomeranian, there is a lot of size variation among Pomskies. The breed generally averages between 15-25 lbs. Almost every Pomsky litters will have the full range of sizes. In F2 litters, the smallest puppy will usually be around 10 lbs, the largest puppy around 35 lbs, and the other puppies will be everywhere in between. I have found that F3 and F4 litters will have a little more uniformity in size, with the pups maturing in the same range as their parents. For example, an F3 litter out of two 10 lbs parents, will likely stay around 10 lbs. On the flip side, an F3 litter from 30 lbs parents will generally be around 30 lbs. If an F3 litter is from a 30 lbs and a 10 lbs parent, then you will still find a variety of sizes among the pups.
Do Pomskies Shed?
Pomskies have a double coat. It serves to protect them from both very cold and very hot temperatures. Twice a year they “blow” or lose their undercoat. This means that a great amount of hair will be dropped around the house right before the winter and then again before the hot summer. The best solution is to take them outside during this time and brush them. It may take up to three weeks to lose the undercoat but if the husky is brushed every day during that time, it may take less time and your home will be free of a lot of hair. The rest of the year, Pomskies should not shed, or if they do, it will be very little.
Can Pomsky Pups be Registered?
Yes! AKC does not recognize cross bred dogs, so Pomsky pups cannot be registered with AKC, even if both parents are AKC registered. However, there are other registries that do such as IPA (International Pomsky Association), American Pomsky Kennel Club, and CKC.
What a registration does for you is show that the foundation pups are out of dogs which the registry recognizes. The IPA is striving towards having the Pomsky breed eventually be recognized by the AKC as a breed all its own.
We encourage participation and also strongly encourage breeders to document their lines with permanent identification and DNA profiling/parentage verification.